Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reading Response: Nonfiction

   Girls are considered very cruel and mean by parents, teachers, and even ourselves and in the book Girls Against Girls  they explain to us why we do it and how we can stop it. Girls are really mean to each other especially during teenage years because their hormones are all over the place, and because of jealousy and very little things. When they feel threatened, or when they're jealous of someone they can be very cruel, they might gossip about you, call you names, team up with other girls against you, and even just ignore you. The book also explains that some girls just do this for fun.
   The book also explains that the reason why most people never want to be hated on by a girl is because a girl can hold a grudge for years. If you ever did or said something mean to a girl they are probably going to remember it forever and always use it against you. Basically if you call a girl fat, weird, or stupid they are most likely to get angry at you and do every little thing they can to make your life miserable even if you were joking. A girl might gossip about you and spread rumors about you, and ignore you for what might feel like years and they won't get tired of doing it. The reason that  this is so bad is because then someone might think that the rumors are true so then they help spread it and it could go on forever. Also, people will immediately judge you based on what they have heard even if they've never met you.
   The reasons this happens is because the girl might be insecure, they find it entertaining, you might have something they can't have, or they might just not like you. It's also known for a fact that most girls don't know how to express their feelings so when they feel hurt or upset because of you they decide to bring you down in any way possible. The book also explains that maybe someone at home or close to them might be treating them bad so they decide to take out on you. You also need to be conscious of why a girl might be treating you the way she is because you don't know what problems she might be having. The best way to get them to stop treating you badly is to talk to them and ask them why they're doing it, and if that doesn't work then just ignore them because some girls treat others badly because they know that the person is going to react to it.
    Overall I really like this book because most of the things that the book is saying is true. While I was reading the book I noticed that half of the things I was reading I have done to other people, one of the things that I do a lot that the book mentioned was "the silent treatment". Another thing that the book mentioned that I do is gossip, but I never realized how horrible and bad it was until I read it. The reason I really liked this book is because it's non-fiction so when I read it and I come across some thing that sounds really mean I can be like,"wait this is real,it's actually happening in the world and there are ways to prevent it from happening".

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Reading Response

      I'm currently reading the book Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson  this book is really great because it shows what an older sibling would do for her other siblings. Max is a girl that is 98% human and 2% bird and so are her other "siblings". None of them are actually related they were all kids that were used in an experiment and didn't have an official guardian. Max is the oldest one so she feels a responsibility to take care of the others. She specially feels the need to take care of Angel, the youngest one, but that's kind of difficult because Angel got taken away by half human, half wolf scientists. When this happens Max goes out with her other siblings and they look for Angel everywhere they can.
     Max is a really great person even though she has a short temper, she really cares about all of her siblings and making them feel somewhat normal. The author shows us how much taking care of Angel was important to Max by telling us what max was thinking like, "I'd never told the others but i just loved, loved, loved Angel. Maybe because I've been taking care of her practically since she was a baby".They all try to take care of each other too and they are all really smart so when they see the half human, half wolf scientists they already know how to protect themselves. Another really great thing about Max is that she doesn't try to deny what's really going on, because she's very logical, so if she sees that something is wrong she doesn't try to deny the situation and pretend everything is okay she actually tries to fix the situation right away. One example that shows how Max tries to fix situations right way is,"Shakily, I got to my feet. My head was spinning and I had to lean against Fang, hating my weakness."We've got to get her," I said urgently, trying to stay upright".
   Overall this is a really great book and it's very dramatic, sweet, and mysterious all in one which is what I think makes the book so great. I also really like it because Max took a lot of sacrifices for her youngest sister, which most people wouldn't do. The reason I liked the sacrifices is because most people would just tell the police that someone kidnapped their sister and hope for the best but Max actually got up and went looking out for her sister her self.