Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blog Post #3: Reading Response

   I recently finished the book Art Geeks and Prom Queens by Alyson Noel, in this book the main character,Rio, just moved with her mother to California. Throughout the book Rio changes a lot, she doesn't only change her personality but she changes the way she looks, she turns into a completely different person. In the beginning of the book Rio wasn't really interested of hanging out with the "popular" kids, she just wanted to start the new year in her new school and just be herself. Rio also made two new friends Mason, and Jas, Rio was really happy when she met them because they were just like her, they were interested in Art, and they seemed real and friendly. Everything was going fine and she was being herself until Kristi,one of the most popular girls in school, started talking to Rio.

  When Kristi and her clique became friends with Rio, Rio had to change the way she dressed herself, the way she acted around others, and she couldn't be friends with just anyone. At first Rio didn't know if it was a good idea but then she started to like being noticed and that's when she completely changed. She stopped talking to Mason, and Jas, Rio became the person that she never wanted to be. She did things that she would've never done and she said things that she would've never said before and she didn't even notice that she was doing it. Rio changed so much that she was starting to become like Kristi but worse.
   I don't think Rio is going to realize that she has done things that weren't right until her "friends" do something really bad to her, because Rio hasn't realized that she doesn't even have her own opinion or thoughts anymore. She can't control her life anymore because Kristi controls it for her, Rio can't talk to her real friends and she can't like anyone that's not a jock, or a college guy. If Rio ever realizes what's going on I think she'll break down and she won't know what to do or who to be anymore because she was always an independent person but know she doesn't even know what's going on in her own life. I liked how Rio was before because now I just think Rio is like Kristi's clone and that's not a good thing.

   In conclusion Art Geeks and Prom Queens is a really good book that can show people that they don't have to change who they are just to impress someone because if you like who you are then it doesn't really matter what everyone else thinks. Also it's not worth all the work changing the way you look, and act just for one person. I really liked this book and it got me thinking a lot about why anyone would agree to become part of something that they know they're not even if it got you noticed.

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